off the map-quest...

animals live off the map. and so do a lot of people. i thought i ought to see what it is like...

Thursday, October 05, 2006


3 October 2006

Mama mercedes was telling me last night in the kitchen that she is 47 years old, Guillermo one year older, Yoni is 23, Helar 20, and Yesi 17, although she's not living here during school.
i taught my first english class today. scheduled for 3; people trickled in with enough for a class around 4. i decided it would be better to have class while climbing mountains and exploring the nearby rivers and rocks. all the students agreed. we kept the class today indoors for an introduction, and it went well. they all (most late teenagers) were all excited about keeping the class going after i said it was enough for the day. we went really fast through words and phrases that i pulled from who knows where and i doubt they're going to remember much, but we'll go over everything again tomorrow. and soon, sunday probably, we'll have class while on a trek in the mountains. i had a good time teaching. i actually felt like i was helping these people in some way finally. i had a lot of energy and so did they.
guillermo just drove home incredibly drunk. yoni and helar were not happy about that, and i'm sure they were a bit embarrassed. we were leaving the kitchen from eating dinner and playing cards, on our way back to our rooms, when he drove up. he got out of the car and asked me if i had a question. i said no and good night and he wandered up to his room yelling, i don't know if directly at mama mercedes or not. i came into my room to play guitar and now i'm in my sleeping bag... can hear him faintly... my name came up once or twice.
i've started eating some of my meals with the family in the kitchen. it's a little smokey in there but much nicer than to be alone in my room. i thought they had wanted family time, bringing my meals to me in my room, but i think they just thought i'd be more comfortable in here, with a table to put the bowl of soup on. in the kitchen we all just hold the bowl or set it on our knees.
they're always trying to serve me in any way they can. i wouldn't blame guillermo if he's frustrated. i wouldn't feel great if i felt like i had to cater my life in my home around a rich american tourist. i really don't want them to change anything for me. they always serve me the best piece of meat. i can see mama mercedes eyeing them as she brings them out of the pot. they're always asking me if everything is how i like it. but playing cards with helar and yoni in the kitchen after dinner was great fun. helar said i speak castellano (as they call spanish) very well and that i can be a translater/guide with him for tourists, and we can travel all around peru, and eat well. i really don't blame him for wanting a little more variation in the dining experience.
after i saw guillermo come home really drunk it dawned on me how hard life really is for them. they barely get by with enough money for food, and to keep their animals healthy. they don't have access to anything outside the local community (including any sort of medicine whatsoever), and they may never. while this keeps the tradition alive, it allows for little growth and education, and perspective. i feel that with my opportunities i have a perspective that they will never be able to obtain. maybe this is why they may feel self-conscious around me.


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